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#2941 Acy


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Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 22:31

У них походу тоже обстоятельства - Токото в школе под 10 номером играл - у нас он увековечен за легендой середины 50-х Лэнни Розенблютом, а Брайс играл под 23 - тут сам понимаешь)

Выбери они наоборот, я бы не удивился. 11 выбирают маленькие игроки как правило, а 4- редко, как правило большие. А тут такое :iseeyou:
Кстати, если Джеймс всего за 3 года научился так играть, то у него очень хороший потенциал :quinncookface:
Тем более если во время нагрузок он прыгает выше, чем когда либо, то через неделю-две после нагрузок он будет летать еще похлеще :quinncookface:
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If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.

PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.

#2942 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 22:41

Да, было бы круто если бы Джеймс попал в сборную на Чемпионат Америки Ю18 - посмотреть бы на более-менее серьезном уровне на него, плюс опыт, подготовка. Вообще там в расширенной заявке чистых центров особо не наблюдалось, когда я когда-то смотрел, есть шанс. - кстати, насчет номеров - инфа неофициальная, просто раз посан правильно предсказал номер Джеймса, я решил выложить, авось утечка правильная)
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#2943 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 15:03

Jonathan Givony ‏@DraftExpress
Haven't seen many people mention UNC big man recruit Joel James. Looks like he's gonna be a factor next season. Long, athletic, energetic.

Jonathan Givony ‏@DraftExpress
So apparently Joel James was out of shape earlier in his career. I would have never guessed. Built like a pile of bricks now. Great frame.

Обнадеживает, Гивони практически всегда беспристрастен в своих мыслях..даже когда речь идет о его родных Гейторс)

Опять же есть шансы у Джеймса на попадание в сборную
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#2944 Acy


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 20:22

Обнадеживает, Гивони практически всегда беспристрастен в своих мыслях..даже когда речь идет о его родных Гейторс)

Опять же есть шансы у Джеймса на попадание в сборную

Миро, поверь мне, если человека за 3 года научили играть в баскетбол на уровне кандидата в сборную страны своего возраста и под нагрузками на ноги он отрывается почти на метр, то из него может получиться игрок. Главное- попасть к хорошему тренеру, усердно работать и соблюдать режим. Нарушение режима приводит к постоянным травмам и забиванию.
Глядя на прогресс Хенсона от палки до почти готового игрока можно сделать вывод, что у Джоэла есть все возможности для роста.
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If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.

PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.

#2945 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 20:25

Да, Джон в атаке за 2 года мощно прибавил. НО все же обратим внимание на то, что Хенсон был топ-5 рекрутом, а Джеймс - за пределами топ-60. Хотя, оно и к лучшему - нет давления. Так что те же Токото и Джеймс могут стать открытиями для нас.
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#2946 Acy


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 20:28

Хенсону давали топ-5 за очевидный потенциал, но мастерства там и близко не было. Тем более Джеймс был за пределами топ-60 тогда, когда мы его приглашали. Уверен, что сейчас Джоэл котируется выше.
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If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.

PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.

#2947 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 20:32

Тем более Джеймс был за пределами топ-60 тогда, когда мы его приглашали.

когда мы его брали, он был за пределами топ-80 http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
а ща он №51
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#2948 Acy


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 20:59

когда мы его брали, он был за пределами топ-80 http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
а ща он №51

Ну вот. К началу сезона еще может подняться :koachevil:
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If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.

PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.

#2949 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 21:00

уже не поднимется, школу-то заканчивает) через пару недель в универе будет)
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#2950 Acy


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 21:04

уже не поднимется, школу-то заканчивает)
через пару недель в универе будет)

Разве прямо перед сезоном не составляют окончательные рейтинги? :quinncookface:
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If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.

PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.

#2951 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 06 Июнь 2012 - 21:23

после школотного сезона выставляют)

Leslie McDonald Summer PC

McDonald is meeting with the media shortly after 2pm today. We'll provide any relevant news and notes in this thread.

* Leslie McDonald plans to play in the NC Pro-Am this summer. That's the same event he tore his ACL in last summer. He said freak injuries happen.

* "I am 100 percent back. My knee feels fine."

* "My confidence is back." McDonald admits to having some doubts when he first returned to the court in January, but now he feels good and is not having to wear a brace during pick-up games.

* McDonald and Strickland bonded even more after Dex's injury as they had to lean on each other for strength and focus.

* The team is getting extra two-hour sessions this summer working on fundamentals -- ball-handling, shooting, penetrating. Only 8 players currently, so lots of 4-on-4 until the frosh arrive.

* Q: Who's going to be the point guard this year?
McDonald: "I have no idea."

* On how he tried to help the team during his injury: "I tried my best to be a players' coach... I would try to be that guy that would lift you up."

* McDonald said being sidelined made him focus on his shooting mechanics and has allowed him to pick back up where he left off last summer.

* On James Michael McAdoo's return: "I had a good feeling that he was coming back."

* When asked who is knocking down the most shots on the team right now, McDonald replied: "I am."

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#2952 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 07 Июнь 2012 - 12:22

McDonald: 'I Am 100 Percent'
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – Leslie McDonald’s ACL injury that forced him to miss the 2011-12 basketball season is now a thing of the past. The junior guard has returned to full health and is not even wearing a knee brace during pickup games and practice sessions.

McDonald tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee during a N.C. Pro-Am game at N.C. Central on July 14th last summer and underwent surgery to reconstruct the ACL and repair his meniscus on Aug. 3.

“I am 100 percent back and the knee feels fine,” McDonald said on Wednesday. “I have no problems in the knee. I do the same thing that I did in rehab just to make sure that I’m on the right path – I stretch and get in the hot and the cold tub – but as far as feeling any pain in my knee, I have none at all.”

McDonald indicated that his health improved from roughly 75-80 percent when he first returned to limited practice in early January to 85-90 percent during the postseason run in March. He reached the 100 percent mark in late April or early May.

The Memphis, Tenn. native admitted to being hesitant early on about making certain moves and cuts on his knee, but that’s no longer the case.

“I believe that my confidence has come back to me and I have no worries about the knee,” said McDonald, who has two years of eligibility remaining after red-shirting last season.

The legendary pickup games that take place every summer in Chapel Hill have already started, as Tar Heel standouts such as Rasheed Wallace, Shammond Williams and Marvin Williams have returned to town and even more are expected in the coming weeks.

McDonald is also getting plenty of work thanks to a new NCAA rule that allows teams to practice – complete with coaches – for two hours a week for eight weeks during the offseason.

“It's not practice, but it's sort of in a practice form,” McDonald said of the extra sessions. “It's mainly drills of ball handling (for the guards). We split the guards and big men up. As far as the guards, we work on ball handling, shooting, moves to the basket and then at the end of the session we come together for a 4-on-4 scrimmage.

“It's nice because pickup you can only do so much, and you joke around - not saying our pickup games are playful, they are very serious - but there are a lot of things in pickup that you can't do in a formal setting. But now with the new NCAA rule it's more formal and more team oriented - the ball is passed around, we screen, make sure we're in the right spots, and it really helps us prepare for next season."

The scrimmages are limited to 4-on-4 because UNC only has eight scholarship players currently enrolled. The four-man freshman class will join the group once second-session summer school begins on June 20.

McDonald is not limiting his offseason work to practices and pickup games at the Smith Center, however. He intends to participate once again in the N.C. Pro-Am starting in July – the same event where he suffered his ACL injury.

“I do plan to play in the Pro-Am,” McDonald said. “Not as much as I did last summer. But I do expect to play a couple of games. Then again, I won’t play as many as I did last year. And limited minutes. I probably won’t play a whole game.”

The specter of last July's knee buckle at the McLendon-McDougald Gym hasn't lingered in his mind.

“Freak accidents happen,” McDonald said. “It could have happened anywhere. It could have happened in practice, could have happened in a game. Just for me, I’m not very superstitious about things, so the Pro-Am itself is not the reason why I hurt myself. I think the reason why I hurt myself is just because – it was just a freak accident. I can’t blame the Pro-Am on that.”

McDonald noted that he has regained most of his quickness and is now working on becoming more explosive and stronger than he’s ever been before.

Плюс интервью Джонатана Гивони с Джоэлом Джеймсом

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#2953 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 07 Июнь 2012 - 19:54

Ty Kish ‏@CityLeagueHoops
Nate Britt having an excellent game in front of future coach Roy Williams. Britt is playing against future teammate Joel James #USABMU18

Ty Kish ‏@CityLeagueHoops
Nate Britt playing the best basketball I've ever seen from him. Finding teammates for open shots & knocking down 3's all day #USABMU18

Нэйт, кстати, тоже в расширенном списке сборной Ю18

Еще одна инсайдерская статейка

Johnson Ready to Learn
Brice Johnson wants to make sure his last few weeks at home are memorable. Scheduled to arrive in Chapel Hill on June 17, Johnson is hanging with friends, relaxing with family and spending time with his father before enrolling in the second summer session at UNC.

He’s even got some new wheels to do it in.

After graduating from Edisto (S.C.) High School last month, Johnson’s father -- and Edisto head coach -- Herman Johnson bought his son a new car.

“This is his first car,” Herman Johnson said. “This summer will be his chance to drive and enjoy himself. It’ll be something for him to come back and forth with.”

Herman Johnson called his son’s graduation “bittersweet.”

“We’ve been together – just me and him – for a while and sometimes it’s been hard, but I’m just so proud of him. As a coach, when you get someone who has the opportunity to play at the next level, at a place like North Carolina, it’s definitely something special.”

“It was a great moment for me,” said Brice of graduation. “I’ve been working hard to get to this point for a long time.”

The hard work for Brice will continue when he gets to Carolina.

In addition to the rigors of being a Division I student-athlete – mandatory weightlifting sessions, conditioning drills and individual workouts – Johnson will also have to learn to balance his academic responsibilities.

It’s a challenge he’s ready to accept.

“I’m just looking forward to going up there and learning,” he said. “On the basketball court and in the classroom."

With the departures of Tyler Zeller and John Henson, Brice’s on-the-court challenge could be contributing to a team that lacks experienced post play outside of sophomore James Michael McAdoo.

One way he plans to prepare for seeing a lot of minutes his freshman year is summer pickup at UNC.

“I played in some games last year on one of my visits,” he said. “I’m just looking forward to playing in games with all the guys. I can learn some things from the older guys.”

The incoming freshman class – Brice, J.P. Tokoto, Marcus Paige and Joel James – will be roommates this year.

“Those are my brothers,” Johnson said. “We talk all the time – we talk about any and everything.”

One of the first things on Johnson’s agenda once he settles in at UNC will be picking a uniform number. He originally wanted No. 10, however it was worn by Tar Heel legend Lennie Rosenbluth and is retired.

While he says there is some nervousness and emotions that will undoubtedly come when Brice heads to Chapel Hill, Herman Johnson trusts the UNC coaching staff.

“It’s going to be emotional to see him go, because he’s my only one,” he said. “To put your trust in someone else to look after him, that’s going be kind of hard. But, I think he’s going to be in good hands. Between the man upstairs and the folks at Carolina, he’ll be OK.”

Simmons Eager to Contribute
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. --- Upon receiving the news that he’d be on scholarship again for his sophomore season at UNC, the first call Jackson Simmons made was to the two former college basketball players that got him started on the sport at a young age.

His parents.

“We both have put in a lot of work for me to get to this point,” Simmons said on Wednesday. “I was ecstatic because I knew I’d put in the work to get to this point and I’m still working hard to not only keep that status but also contribute to this team and help this coming year.”

Simmons made the decision to attend UNC without assurances that a scholarship would be available. The North Carolina state record-holder for career rebounds (1,554 at Sylva (N.C.) Smoky Mountain) declined offers from Davidson, Old Dominion and Charlotte for an opportunity in Chapel Hill. It wasn’t until two months before enrolling that he learned he’d have a scholarship as a freshman.

“I really took a leap of faith and trusted in Coach Williams and his vision for me here,” said Simmons, whose UNC scholarship is on a year-to-year basis based on availability. “I came here because I wanted to play at the highest level and personally I feel like I can play at the highest level. If I didn’t believe I could, I wouldn’t have.”

But no one, Simmons included, expected that to happen overnight.

The 6-7 forward appeared in 23 games as a freshman, logging most of his limited minutes at the end of already decided contests. That was on a team that had two future first-round draft picks (Tyler Zeller, John Henson) established as the starting post players, plus another (James McAdoo) behind them. This coming season, McAdoo returns, but UNC will need significant game and practice contributions from among the four other post players on the roster – all of which are unproven commodities.

Simmons recognizes the opportunity. His postseason meeting with Roy Williams centered on offseason improvement and re-establishing an identity.

“We talked about goals for this offseason, that’s mainly the gist of what we talked about: continue to improve as a basketball player,” he said. “The biggest thing for me is I want to put everything together – defense, rebounding and scoring. We both felt I could do that, but also focusing on the little things – rebounding, taking charges, being the first one to get on the floor, because that’s one thing I’ve been known to do, being the first on the floor. I really want to get back to that being my motto, being somebody who will do the little things and everything it takes to win a game…

“He wanted me to go in to pick-up games with the mindset of wining as many games as I can. I want to put winning above everything else.”

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#2954 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 07 Июнь 2012 - 21:25

Сегодня пресс-конфа Декса и ПиДжея.
Хэирстон потянул плечо во время пикап-игры, до конца недели все будет норм.
Потом выложу о чем шла речь.

Dex likely won't be able to return to the court until late August or September, according to team trainers.

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#2955 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 07 Июнь 2012 - 23:25

Интервью Декса

Strickland: 'Right on Schedule'
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – Dexter Strickland’s timetable to return to the basketball court is likely late August or September, according to a school official. The senior point guard was cleared to start running last week after tearing the ACL in his right knee on Jan. 19.

The Rahway, N.J. product injured his knee early in the second half of UNC’s 82-68 victory at Virginia Tech as he drove to the basket. He underwent meniscus repair and reconstructive surgery on Feb. 9.

Strickland told a group of reporters on Thursday that his knee is “feeling better,” although he’s been limited in what he can actually do.

“I’ve been lifting with [strength and conditioning coach] Jonas [Sahratian] --squatting, box jumps, just different stuff trying to get the strength back in my knee,” Strickland said.

He is scheduled to meet with his doctor again on Monday with hopes of gaining further clearance to be able to start jumping and using more lateral movements.

“[Trainer] Chris [Hirth] actually told me that I’m recovery fast, better than normal,” Strickland said. “I’m right on schedule.”

As expected, the rehab process was a grind as Strickland worked to regain the range of motion in his knee.

“Frustration, mentally, in knowing that I can’t do things and trying to be patient and things like that was tough for me,” he said. “I think I’ve come a long way and I still have a lot of improvement to do with the rehab, of course, but so far it’s been good.”

Strickland, however, points to something other than rehab as being the most challenging aspect of his recovery.

“The most difficult part is just being injured and watching the guys play pickup and not being able to work out with them,” Strickland said. “Not being able to work on my game and get better, as far as jump shooting and different dribbling drills. That’s been the most frustrating – not being able to be in the gym as much as I used to be.”

With Kendall Marshall preparing for the NBA Draft and Stilman White preparing for his Mormon mission, head coach Roy Williams made it clear during his one-on-one offseason meeting that Strickland’s primary focus would be the point guard position.

“I expect to play point guard way more than I did last year,” Strickland said.

There may be some lingering rust for Strickland when North Carolina opens practice on Oct. 12, which falls roughly 4-8 weeks after his expected return. On Wednesday, Leslie McDonald estimated it took him three months to get back to 100 percent.

The three-month mark for Strickland could fall between UNC’s season opener against Gardner-Webb on Nov. 10 and the ACC-Big Ten Challenge at Indiana on Nov. 27.

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Отправлено 08 Июнь 2012 - 05:18

Hairston Honing His Shot
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – After shooting a woeful 18.7 percent from behind the arc over the final 23 games of his freshman season, P.J. Hairston turned to his parents for guidance on how to get his shot back.

Hairston opened his UNC career by knocking down 37.5 percent of his treys (24-of-64) over a 15-game stretch. But once ACC play opened in early January, the Greensboro, N.C. sharpshooter lost his touch and would spend the remainder of the season searching for it.

Hairston missed 61 of his final 75 3-pointers, including a 2-for-13 effort in the NCAA Tournament.

“The drought, I'd never shot that badly before - it was new to me,” Hairston said on Thursday. “So I called my mom one day asking her what I need to do - I was in the gym, doing everything I needed to do, and she said 'you need to get your priorities straight - it needs to be your No. 1 priority other than school ... you need to stay in the gym, get at least 500 shots up but you need to do that yourself. I can't be there for you, you're grown now, you have to do these things on your own.'”

Hairston’s offseason plan is to focus on his shot concentration, but that goal was temporarily but on hold due to a shoulder sprain.

“In pickup almost three weeks ago, I was driving the lane, shot a floater and someone pushed my arm back and it kind of popped,” said Hairston, who wore an ice wrap on his right shoulder. ”... I thought it was more serious then it was, but it's just a sprain. I'd never hurt my shoulder before so it was something new. It's still sore now but I should be playing by this weekend.”

Prior to the injury, Hairston indicated that he had improved his ball-handling skills and that his jump shot was “looking pure.” He also provided some insight into the recovery process for teammates Leslie McDonald and Dexter Strickland.

“Right now, [Leslie] is dunking, shooting threes - back to the Les everyone knows,” Hairston said. “Dexter's doing good, and actually starting to run now. Leslie, Reggie [Bullock] and Dexter joke around because those three had knee injuries and I'm always the awkward one around because I never hurt my knee, so I knock on wood whenever I'm around them. “

McDonald told reporters on Wednesday that he was the best shooter on the team. When that comment was relayed to Hairston, he replied: “Les has his confident back, apparently, so I'll just let him prove it. (laughing) I think I'm the best shooter on the team, you can ask Reggie and Leslie.”

One benefit for Hairston, as well as UNC’s other perimeter players, has been the arrival of new assistant coach and former Tar Heel sharpshooter Hubert Davis.

“Coming from a shooter to a shooter, he knows more than I do and I worked with him for about 30-45 minutes getting up mid-range shots, shooting straight up and down,” Hairston said. “He said my shot looks good, but I just have a habit of kicking my foot out sometimes and that'll cause my shot to come up short…

“He sent me an email of Ray Allen with video of how he shoots and every time he shoots, no matter where he's shooting or how he's shooting, he's straight up and down.”

Hairston has already proven that he can start the season on fire. Now he’s just got to prove that he can close the season in similar fashion.

Надо же, я сразу говорил что Хьюберт шутерам помогать будет)
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Отправлено 08 Июнь 2012 - 19:01

Интервью ПиДжея
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Отправлено 10 Июнь 2012 - 11:12

Похоже, что Джоэл Джеймс не попал в сборную Ю18, его и Николса отозвали из финальных 14 игроков. Зато Нэйт Бритт попал, отлично.
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#2959 MyrOsLove


    Forever Overrated

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Отправлено 12 Июнь 2012 - 19:56

Еще одна инсайдерская статья

Paige Set To Begin UNC Career
North Carolina assistant coach C.B. McGrath had a piece of advice for Marcus Paige when he suffered a stress fracture in April. Take a break.

After years of devoting every spare minute to basketball, Paige was told by his future coach to step away from the game for a few weeks and recharge his batteries after going under the knife.

The break was nice. Paige was able to let his whole body heal. His parents say he’s refreshed. But after six weeks of rest, three weeks of rehabbing and his move to Chapel Hill coming up this week-- Paige is ready to get started.

“I’m just looking forward to the first time I get to do a college workout or the first time I get to lift weights in college,” Paige said. “I just want to see what the jump is in the level of intensity. I’ve been here working out but I’m ready for the whole college workout thing -- just getting a chance to get to work.”

For anyone worried Paige is rushing back -- don’t be. He received a clean bill of health from doctors earlier in May and has been close to 100 percent during the last week or two of workouts.

“It’s been good. I’m back to playing full pickup games and everything -- running and jumping,” Paige said. “I haven’t even noticed it really. Sometimes I forget I have (the screw) in there. I’m really happy with the way everything went. Hopefully it’ll stay that way.”

Aside from rehabbing, Paige has spent his final weeks in Iowa hanging out with family and friends. He graduated from Linn Mar High School on May 27 and said the ceremony was a little bittersweet.

“It was just kind of fun to see some people you’re probably not going to see again in a long time -- or ever. That part was cool,” Paige said. “That being said, I’m still excited about what I get to do in the future.”

Paige leaves for Chapel Hill on June 14 and will move into an on-campus suite with fellow freshmen Joel James, Brice Johnson and J.P. Tokoto a few days later. He’ll take two classes this summer, a post-WWII history class and public speaking class.

Making the transition to college will be exciting, Paige said, and he’s looking forward to getting to know his new teammates and classmates at Carolina.

“I’ve always heard the people you meet is the most interesting and most fun part (of college) because you’re going off into a whole other world where you don’t know that many people,” Paige said.

In addition to getting used to life in college, Paige will have plenty to keep him busy on the basketball court this summer. He said he intends to learn all he can from individual workouts and the legendary pickup games with former Tar Heels.

“I’m obviously looking forward to playing with the current guys I haven’t played with,” Paige said. “Then also the Raymond Feltons and Ty Lawsons of the world -- get a chance to play against guys who are physical and a lot bigger than me like them to get me ready for college.”

Not surprisingly, the two players Paige mentioned helped influence his choice of jersey number at Carolina. Like so many great UNC point guards before him, Paige will wear the number five next year. He wore No. 15 during his high school career at Linn-Mar.

“Well, 15 was taken. P.J (Hairston) has 15 and I’m not about to take it from him,” Paige explained. “But I think there’s been some pretty good success with that number at Carolina in the past. Also, my sister wears No. 5 and I’ve always liked Jason Kidd so I thought dropping the ‘1’ wouldn’t be so bad.”

While Paige is excited about summer basketball, he might not get the full Triangle summer hoops experience this year. Paige said he hasn't made a decision on whether he’ll participate in the Greater N.C. Pro-Am, which has been a consistent stop for young Tar Heel players in recent years.

“I’m not sure if I’m going to do it. I don’t really know,” Paige said. “I haven’t really talked to the other guys either about that. So, we’ll just kind of see.”

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#2960 MyrOsLove


    Forever Overrated

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  • ГородUkrainian Westside



Отправлено 13 Июнь 2012 - 00:22

Вот что значит инсайдерская инфа - выходит, Маркус под 5 номером играть будет http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
А не под 3, как предполагалось раньше.
Осталось лишь выяснить номер Токото, остальных фрошей знаем - Брайс 11, Джоэл 0 и Маркус - 5.

“Well, 15 was taken. P.J (Hairston) has 15 and I’m not about to take it from him,” Paige explained. “But I think there’s been some pretty good success with that number at Carolina in the past. Also, my sister wears No. 5 and I’ve always liked Jason Kidd so I thought dropping the ‘1’ wouldn’t be so bad.”

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