North Carolina Tar Heels
Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 19:28
Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 19:34
Пусть скажут спасибо Барнцу, Баттырю и Инспектору http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
У вас Зефирчик вроде тоже так
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 19:51
Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 20:24
а у тебя были сомнения насчет этого? http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.pngЯ имею ввиду, что точно известно их присутствие в команде.
да я не про тоА кто такие уолк-оны я в курсе.
П.С. интересно, кого Рой вызовет в качестве уолк-онов в этом году из JV
имхо, чувак по имени Уэйд Муди должен быть

И 5 номер Лири Джонс - прича катит http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 20:51

Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 21:14
PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.
Отправлено 01 Июнь 2012 - 21:38
типо тогоМиро, это типо вторая команда?
Junior Varsity - это команда из обычных студентов, которые, например, занимались бацкитом в школе, но не связывают с ним свое будущее, учатся на обычных специальностях и платят за учебу. Играют на уровне таких же команд других универов или против школотных команд.
Кто нормально себя проявляет, тот попадает в заявку основной команды, у нас в Blue Steel http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png Рой в основном таких игроков для спаррингов использует.
Если не ошибаюсь, многие универы уже отменили JV-команды, но Рой и в Канзасе, и тут уделяет им достаточно внимания - по стопам Дина Смита идет.
А что, зато будущим бизнесменам-финансистам-еще-каким-то-работникам можно будет вспомнить когда-то "А ведь я играл в Мартовском Безумии за Тар Хилс", пусть всего минуту-две, но все равно круто.
Кстати, а ведь у нас коучем JV был Джерод Хаас, 3-й ассистент Роя - терь он в UAB ушел)
Не думаю, что сразу Хьюберту Дэвису дадут их)
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 04 Июнь 2012 - 19:45
Что-то схавал 100% :quinncookface:Еще недавно чел весил почти как Ренардо Сидни
PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.
Отправлено 04 Июнь 2012 - 20:34
сбросил 40 фунтов за лето вроде..короче, к концу того года уже был таким
похоже, мы пополнились хорошим рекрутинг-классом дюкохейтеров - сначала Токото, теперь Джеймс http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 19:30
New Beginning Awaits James
Joel James wore No. 12 last season for Dwyer High in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. It’s a special number reserved for the Panthers’ senior captain each year and an honor that James earned in the eyes of his high school coach, Fred Ross.
That number, however, was Phil Ford’s and is retired at North Carolina. But it did not take James, a history buff who already knows all of the retired jerseys that hang in the Dean E. Smith Center, long to select a different jersey number for his freshman season in Chapel Hill.
He will wear ‘0’ and he was quick to give his reason for choosing that number.
“It’s like a constant reminder to me that I haven’t done anything yet. Nothing has been given to me here or anything like that,” James said. “I feel like I have to work for everything I get, that’s why I chose the number zero.”
The 6-foot-11, 265-pound center said he has heard talk that some feel he will be a project in Chapel Hill.
“It came to me rather quickly,” James said of his choice of jersey. “I heard people talking, things like I don’t deserve a scholarship and things like that, so I felt like No. 0 would be the right place to start, the start of my college career. I’ve got to build up somewhere. This is a beginning, and that’s what the No. 0 represents for me.”
James might arrive on campus a few days later than the other incoming freshmen this month. He has been invited to the USA Basketball Men’s U18 National Team tryouts June 5-12 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Should James make the 12-member team, he will accompany it to Brazil for the FIBA Americas U18 Championship June 16-20 before heading to Chapel Hill to enroll for summer classes on June 22.
That will culminate a hectic month for James, who within a four-week stretch will have received his high school diploma, traveled across the country for the National Team tryouts, then possibly to Brazil and back to the States to enroll for his freshman year of college.
“I anticipate it’s going to be extremely hectic and really intense,” James said, looking ahead to his first days at UNC. “Not so much the basketball, just getting used to college life and people demanding so much out of you in such little time. I just hope I can manage my time well and just do the best I can in everything I do. It’s definitely more hectic than high school. I’m looking forward to it, but I’m also anxious and a little nervous. New people and a new environment, new everything. It should be fun. It’s a new challenge.”
James has taken very little time off since his final high school game in March. He works out six days a week – his mother insists that Sunday be a day of rest for her son – and diligently has maintained a daily regimen that includes a mile or 1.5-mile run, followed by a series of pushups and lunges. Later in the day, he hits the weight room. He said he also has been concentrating on improving his “explosiveness” by doing plyometrics to increase his leg strength and leaping ability. He recently experienced an incident that shows how much the hard work is paying off when during a pickup game at the local gym where he works out, he almost hit his head on the rim while grabbing an alley-oop pass.
“It was the highest I’ve ever been,” James said, chuckling. “My head grazed the backboard as I was going up. I was like, ‘Wow, that’s the first time I’ve ever done that.’”
Actually, everything that has happened to James in the past year has been a surprise for him. He only became interested in organized basketball three years ago after being coaxed to try out for the Dwyer varsity team his sophomore year. He was a member of Dwyer’s 2010-11 state championship team, but fell short of his goal to lead the Panthers to a repeat title his senior year.
“Obviously, it wasn’t the season I’d hoped it would be,” James said, reflecting on his high school career. “Just coming off winning a state title last year, I was hoping to do the same this year, but it didn’t work out that way. But it gave me great experiences in how to deal with myself, and it built character in me. It showed me how to work with my teammates and how to take criticism and how to be a leader. I matured.”
Now, James is off to try out for the U.S. National team, something he said he never dreamed would happen when he was coaxed to give basketball a shot.
“That thought never even crossed my mind,” James said. “In fact, I don’t even think I was thinking about basketball three years ago. It’s like a dream.”
Итого, не получит Бритт свою нулевку, только если Джоэл будет уан-энд-дан)
Интересно, что еще пару месяцев назад один посан на форуме америкосовском писал, типа он работает где-то где джерси изготавливают, и им якобы уже заказали джерси наших фрешменов с номерами. Я не постил, ибо инфа не подтвержденная, и там он писал что Джеймс "0" возьмет.
Может, и другие версии правильно - вот что он написал:
#0 Joel James
#3 Marcus Paige
#4 JP Tokoto
#11 Brice Johnson
#13 Luke Davis
Пора заказывать джерси №4 :yaominglaugh:
среди других инсайдерских новостей - наш стафф интересуется топ-форвардом 2013 Джонатаном Уильямсом из Мемфиса.
Вот выдержка из новости:
Williams, a five-star prospect, has a strong connection with the UNC program through his brother.
“They are pretty cool,” he said of UNC. “Roy Williams is a great coach. That’s enough said right there. I like their fast break. I like their program. And plus one of my old friends plays there right now, Leslie McDonald.
“He actually played with my brother when he was in high school, Johnny Williams. They’ve been best friends since high school.”
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 19:55

Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 19:56
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 19:57
кто был первым? не Лоусон жи?)у нас клэссик ПГ с №5 http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png

Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 22:07
Бритт? :quinncookface:Кота, Лоусон, Маршалл)
PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.
Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 22:13
так он в школе под 0
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 22:22
Я как раз намекаю http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.pngну наверное придется ему пятерку брать http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
Выборы Токото и Джонсона немного удивили :quinncookface:
PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.
Отправлено 05 Июнь 2012 - 22:27
У них походу тоже обстоятельства - Токото в школе под 10 номером играл - у нас он увековечен за легендой середины 50-х Лэнни Розенблютом, а Брайс играл под 23 - тут сам понимаешь)Выборы Токото и Джонсона немного удивили :quinncookface:
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
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