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Разговор об NCAA

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#12481 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 21 Ноябрь 2020 - 07:29

Colorado State men’s basketball program has paused due to COVID.

До 2 декабря написанное, меньше 2х недель.

Utah’s men’s basketball program is pausing for the foreseeable future due to multiple COVID positives in the program, a source tells CBS Sports.
  • 0
Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12482 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 21 Ноябрь 2020 - 09:55

да что ж такое!
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#12483 Andrei


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Отправлено 21 Ноябрь 2020 - 10:18

Все в норме. Карантин для галочки.
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#12484 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 21 Ноябрь 2020 - 10:48

да, но отмененные матчи не для галочки

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#12485 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 22 Ноябрь 2020 - 06:52

Marquette's Jose Perez has received a waiver from the NCAA and is eligible for the 20-21 season, per release.

Transfer from Gardner Webb.

Ого, а вот это неожиданно!

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Northwestern’s men’s basketball program is on a COVID halt due to contact-tracing guidelines, sources told CBS Sports. NU pulled out of the Kansas City-based Hall of Fame Classic earlier this week. Its first game isn’t scheduled until Dec. 2 vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff.
  • 0
Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12486 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 06:06

BREAKING: Auburn will forgo the postseason for the 20-21 season, per release.

Auburn has self-imposed a postseason ban on its men’s basketball program for this season.
  • 0
Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12487 vic79


    College Star

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 10:05

BREAKING: Auburn will forgo the postseason for the 20-21 season, per release.

Auburn has self-imposed a postseason ban on its men’s basketball program for this season.

Так у них и так шансов попасть туда - ноль целых, фиг десятых

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#12488 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 10:56

BREAKING: Auburn will forgo the postseason for the 20-21 season, per release.

Auburn has self-imposed a postseason ban on its men’s basketball program for this season.

Так у них и так шансов попасть туда - ноль целых, фиг десятых
Главное выебнуться, потому что шансов всеравно нет, а так хоть какая никакая отмазка будет типа...
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Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12489 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 12:37

ЛОЛ я бы на месте NCAA вообще не принимал такую хрень))

это даже круче чем прошлогодние Джорджия Тек, которые отказались от постсезонки которой и так не было)

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#12490 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 18:40

Ole Miss men’s hoops is shutting down until Dec. 7. The Rebels will have to cancel four games.


Sources to ESPN: Auburn five-star freshman Sharife Cooper hasn't practiced in weeks and is exploring potential options overseas while he awaits the findings of an NCAA investigation into his eligibility.
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#12491 vic79


    College Star

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 19:20

Всё-таки пора закрывать эту богадельню

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#12492 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 20:04

The 2020 Empire Classic is now moving forward with building an event around Villanova, Boston College, Arizona State, and a fourth team that is TBD.

Что да херня произошла с Купером??? Какие ещё варианты за границей, какое ещё расследование?

Источники ESPN сообщили, что представители Купера связались с профессиональными командами в Европе и Австралии на случай, если NCAA не разрешит ему играть в этом сезоне. Источник сообщил, что Купер желает остаться в «Оберне» в этом сезоне, но это может оказаться невозможным, если NCAA не выдаст ему сертификат для игры.
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Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12493 ceasar


    Down Towns

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 20:18

BREAKING: Auburn will forgo the postseason for the 20-21 season, per release.

Auburn has self-imposed a postseason ban on its men’s basketball program for this season.


Возможно там снова рекрутинговые нарушения и скоро прилетит бан.


Sources to ESPN: Auburn five-star freshman Sharife Cooper hasn't practiced in weeks and is exploring potential options overseas while he awaits the findings of an NCAA investigation into his eligibility.



  • 0


we get to see the tears of the clown on live TV, delicious! (watching Bill Simmons discussing Nets - Celtics trade)

#12494 MyrOsLove


    Forever Overrated

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Отправлено 23 Ноябрь 2020 - 20:24


а когда они у пёрла вообще прекращались)

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#12495 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 24 Ноябрь 2020 - 05:50

VCU is replacing Wichita State in the Bad Boy Mowers Crossover Classic in South Dakota.

Updated bracket for the Bad Boy Mowers Crossover Classic:

Northern Iowa/Western Kentucky
Saint Mary's/Memphis
West Virginia/South Dakota State
VCU/Utah State

Проклятый турнир же говорю.

Rhode Island is expected to replace Baylor in the 2K Empire Classic on Wednesday and Thursday at Mohegan Sun, source tells CBS Sports.
  • 1
Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12496 OrangeMax


    Saltine Warrior

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Отправлено 24 Ноябрь 2020 - 18:57

Ну что ждёт жаркого вечера и ночи перед стартом сезона!!! Кто и сколько команд и матчей ещё отменят. Будет жарко я уверен...

Вирджиния - Мэйн завтра отменен, из-за Мэйна.

Сан-Франциско со Стэфон Ф Остин тоже.
  • 0
Eric Devendorf (2005-2009), Jonny Flynn (2007-2009), Wesley Johnson (2009-2010), Rick Jackson (2007-2011), Scoop Jardine (2007-2012), Dion Waiters (2010-2012), Fab Melo (2010-2012), Kris Joseph (2008-2012), Brandon Triche (2009-2013), James Southerland (2009-2013), Michael Carter-Williams (2011-2013), C.J. Fair (2010-2014), Jerami Grant (2012-2014), Tyler Ennis (2013-2014), Rakeem Christmas (2011-2015), Trevor Cooney (2012-2016), Michael Gbinije (2013-2016), Malachi Richardson (2015-2016), Tyler Roberson (2013-2017), Tyler Lydon (2015-2017), Andrew White III (2016-2017), Frank Howard (2015-2019), Tyus Battle (2016-2019), Oshae Brissett (2017-2019), Elijah Hughes (2018-2020), Marek Dolezaj (2017-2021), Quincy Guerrier (2019-2021), Alan Griffin (2020-2021), Buddy Boeheim (2018-2022), Jimmy Boeheim (2021-2022), Cole Swider (2021-2022).

#12497 ceasar


    Down Towns

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Отправлено 24 Ноябрь 2020 - 19:04

Вирджиния - Мэйн завтра отменен, из-за Мэйна.

Сан-Франциско со Стэфон Ф Остин тоже.

Вместо этого Virginia играет с Towson, а San Francisco с UMass Lowell.





Maine is out due to COVID-19 positives, source tells CBS Sports.


Another men’s basketball team hits the pause button: Utah Valley is on a COVID halt, a source tells CBS Sports. This means its game at Stanford tomorrow is off.


Stephen F. Austin is out of Mohegan Sun’s BubblevillE. first. SFA vs. San Francisco was supposed to tip off the season tomorrow at 11 a.m. A positive test in SFA traveling party has now sideswiped the entire team. Everyone in SFA's travel party had to produce a negative test before boarding the plane for Mohegan. All those tests were negative. Within 36 hours, one non-essential person in the traveling party (not a coach, player, trainer) popped positive.


Kentucky scheduling news: As has been announced, Detroit is out of Kentucky’s MTE. Source tells CBS Sports the MTE will not replace Detroit


Utah’s men’s basketball coach is the latest to publicly disclose a positive coronavirus diagnosis.

  • 3


we get to see the tears of the clown on live TV, delicious! (watching Bill Simmons discussing Nets - Celtics trade)

#12498 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 24 Ноябрь 2020 - 20:04

Еще один крутой матч аут: Теннесси - Гонзага :hmm:

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#12499 vic79


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Отправлено 24 Ноябрь 2020 - 20:14

Еще один крутой матч аут: Теннесси - Гонзага :hmm:

А там из-за кого?

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#12500 MyrOsLove


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Отправлено 24 Ноябрь 2020 - 20:22

так у Барнса же ковид

у Гонззаги накрылись матчи и с Бейлором, и с Волс. а могли быть зарубы крутые, эх...

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