Отправлено 06 Апрель 2012 - 21:50
Отправлено 09 Апрель 2012 - 23:08
PackPride about loss at Florida State, 03.09.2013.If Leslie had fouled out we might have had a chance.
Отправлено 12 Апрель 2012 - 12:25
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Отправлено 13 Апрель 2012 - 11:39
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 14 Апрель 2012 - 10:59
похоже, Рой хочет нормально наиграть составчик на 2013-14, а не как было с МакАду?As has been reported, Alex Oriakhi Jr. committed to the University of Missouri this afternoon.
According to IC's sources, the UNC coaching staff didn't aggressively pursue Oriakhi after showing interest following his release from UConn.
Those sources indicated that had UNC showed stronger interest, it would've been considered the frontrunner for Oriakhi.
The sources also said that while Kentucky wanted Oriakhi for added depth, they ultimately weren't under serious consideration.
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 15 Апрель 2012 - 09:22
У Токото было 3/3 с игры и 2/2 с линии в первой половине, больше он не забивал.Brice Johnson - 0 points (0-4 FG), four rebounds, two assists, one block and one steal in 19 minutes.
JP Tokoto - Eight points (3-5 FG, 0-1 3pts, 2-4 FT) four rebounds, three steals and two assists in 19 minutes.
:yaominglaugh:Teams are announced to the crowd.
Biggest pops - Marcus Paige (in his absence)/Brice Johnson
Biggest boo - Rasheed Sulaimon
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 17 Апрель 2012 - 16:03
Мы в твиттере: @NCAABnet
Отправлено 18 Апрель 2012 - 22:34
Классное видео. Барнес фанат Коби блеать, говорил ж МЖ ему его шузы носить :quinncookface:клаааасс http://ncaab.net/for...tyle_emoticons/default/й.png
Отправлено 20 Апрель 2012 - 11:39
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